March 18, 2010

KB part 1

kaidan & Mz "two ma lat lou" go Kelantan, KB to find Yang :) "another ma lat lou"
KB streets names is so different from Selangor, there is a street name called Yahya Petra, its so funny when i first hearing the name.

I came from K.L. a big city, a really really big city, but I totally looked like ah cow go to city "阿牛出城" when i was in KB.
I was like looking for the swimming pool but doesn't know which floor to go, so I press floor by floor xD, until a auntie comes in and tell me it is at the eight floor, then there is a in door swimming pool. I was like WHAT!? where is the big swimming pool i saw from the balcony!? Was like stunned for a moment and quite blur that time, and we were like keep going up and down inside the lift, cause the lift need access card to gain access to press the floor button. Slow a bit only, there the lift goes down/up liao haha

Swimming pool at night ;D

I love going to the beach, to get a grip of the sight of the "sun of the beach" and does those scribble on the sand. It was tiresome that morning, i scribbled on the sand almost enough to destroy the view of the beach from the resort with all those wordings and drawing hehee.

So here we are heading out for our first dinner at KB, while yang had no idea of where to go, wondering where to bring us to have our dinner. Thus he called his brother, yu feng. Feng said: go to the siam restaurant, belut for dinner, we were wondering what is belut? malay is so rusty already. Then yang ask what is belut in chinese, Feng just reply SNAKE "蛇" !!
Arhhhh I shouting SNAKE??!! ahhh it scares me x| *pengsan* i distest snakes

Belut! or should I say, UNAGI!!
eih, Unagi we eat at Sushi restaurant is sweet, this belut is super spicy. Until my mouth look like a small sausage

Lala *slurp*
anyone's started drooling?

add-up: birds nest longan pudding ;) the longan is filled with birds house & saliva