October 14, 2009

The Global Innovation Tournament

Today my Creative 7 Innovation class was replaced by an lecture about "Global Innovation tournament. This tournament is about creating a 3 minute long video with creativity & innovation based on the mysterious "title". It will be a great experience if you join this tournament, still thinking what will the "title" based on this coming GIT Malaysia.

might forming a team to join! bwahahahahaa \^o^/

the previous title was base on "bottle" producing a video for 3 minute and posted on youtube to participate. I just shared few video i watched during this GIT lecture.

The Funniest Award Winner! its really funny :P

This video is about recycle the bottles for environment.

This video is from CHINA!!

This gives me a snap on creativity! and it gives me a lot of ideas :)

:wad creativity can do? this is cool yea?! ahha