January 10, 2008

新的一年, 以为可以开始新生活!

却 知道一个消息
以为可以坚强的面对, 可以做的无所谓

也是那一次的事件让我在 28 时辰 无法入睡
在床上脑海不断的再想 一直想 不断想 ( ̄ε(# ̄)

朋友知道后, 也劝我别再想 这是在折磨自己
另一天,我还是无法入睡,也就这样 57 个小时没睡过,
整天,都是在 k 机! o2jam , o2jam 的 越是玩 得分越高 ( @o@ )|||| ㄟㄟㄟ…

也因为某些事, 某些人, 我重新寻找会我的步调
也把思想看开了, 也不会把别人的感受放在第一位, 或是喜欢的人。。
也许我把很多事看得太容易, 太轻易相信别人, 我要从我的错误 再次站起来

我也学会了,不再让自己在踏进 深 黑溜溜的深洞

dear pohz,

is your voice that woke me up
is your voice make the sadness that scattered my heart disappear
is your voice that let me know it's time wake up to go
spreading out my wings, facing the brute wind
it's a jump start , bringing me to a better future

the twinkling light from U shines
wakes me up that the moment i embrace with Courage and hopes I love deeply
my heart is carved with scars that won't disappear, my body shake with loneliness and unease
I'm far away from life, I'm sure that
Deep despair attacks me

Leaving me sinks into the darkness
I'll still continue to believe what i did is worth it

I won't be guided by the pride in my heart
and once fall of the sky again

The twinkling light from U shines
And wakes Me now
Sounds echo out
Carved in from here
I'll continue to believe forever...

Releasing myself,
tired from crying,
tired of loving someone so badly,
So, i move on, move toward the future that's started to move
The road still continues on and on! Endlessly!
Shine vividly

And here i blessed them with my true heart!
i wont look back anymore
doesn't wish to look back the foolish me!



------幸运天使 祝------